Monday, August 25, 2008

"Choose Discipline"

Choose discipline Discipline is a decision you make, over and over again. Discipline is choosing to do what you know must be done, as often and as long as necessary. With discipline, you can make smart and advantageous use of the time and resources available to you. With discipline, you can create great value for yourself and your world. The most powerful way to put discipline into your life is to understand and remind yourself of what it can do for you. Once you truly decide to live with it, the power of discipline is yours. If you do not choose to discipline yourself, you will eventually be subject to the harsh, inescapable discipline imposed upon you by life's realities. It is far more desirable to choose your own discipline and to deal with those realities on your own terms. Self discipline opens up a world of choices and opportunities which otherwise would not be available to you. Whatever goal you set your sights upon, discipline is the most reliable way to reach it. Choose, early and often, to use the powerful tool of discipline. And always achieve maximum results from your time and your actions. -- Ralph Marston